Z286.E43 S56 2002
The IndependentPublisher.com / |
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Z286.E43 S73 1987
The electronic era of publishing : an overview of concepts, technologies, and methods / |
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Z286.E43 T56 2005
Books in the digital age : the transformation of academic and higher education publishing in Britain and the United States / |
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Z286.E43 V36 2001
Poor Richard's creating e-books : how authors, publishers, and corporations get into digital print / |
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Z286.E43 V48 2013
The early sprouts cookbook : by Kristin M. Vetter. |
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Z286.E43 W36 1992
China News Digest : a journalistic attempt on worldwide computer networks / |
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Z286.F3 T37 1994
Erotic science fiction : how Circlet Press is creating a new genre / |
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Z286.F45 M87 2004
Mixed media : feminist presses and publishing politics / |
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Frontline. the rise and reign of Jeff Bezos / |
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Z286.I57 I58 2000
Internet publishing and beyond : the economics of digital information and intellectual property / |
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Z286.I57 I58 2000b
Internet publishing and beyond : the economics of digital information and intellectual property / |
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Z286.I57 M35 2003eb
Making money with your writing online : stories of 12 entrepreneurs who've built successful internet publishing businesses. |
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Z286.L58 K57 1991
Publishing the literary magazine / |
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Z286.L58 L58 2007eb
Literary cultures and the material book / |
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Z286.M29.P82 1995eb
Publishing in the Organizational Sciences / |
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Z286.N46 B58 1992
Fundamentals of successful newsletters : everything you need to write, design, and publish more effective newsletters / |
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Z286.N46 D46 1987
Portfolio / |
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Z286.N46 F36 1994
Producing a first-class newsletter : a guide to planning, writing, editing, designing, photography, production, and printing / |
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Z286.N46 F56 1997
Marketing with newsletters : how to boost sales, add members & raise funds with a printed, faxed or Web-site newsletter / |
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Z286.N46 H83 1988
Publishing newsletters / |
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