Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB238 .K45 2000 Eckerd Corporation / 1
HB238 .M37 2000eb Market structure and competition policy : game theoretic approaches / 1
HB238 .N35 2013 Clusters of competitiveness / 1
HB238 .N43 2006eb Measuring competitiveness / 1
HB241 Economic Theory and Economic Thought : Essays in Honour of Ian Steedman.
La loi de Parkinson, symtome de la bureaucratie : comment allier efficacité et gestion du temps? /
La ley de los rendimientos decrecientes /
HB241 .H36 2014eb Handbook of EOQ inventory problems : stochastic and deterministic models and applications / 1
HB241 .H396 2020 Productivity. 1
HB241 .N48 2005eb Networks of interacting machines : production organization in complex industrial systems and biological cells / 1
HB241 .P534 2016 La ley de Parkinson : Aprovechar el tiempo y los efectivos disponibles. 1
HB251 Essai sur la répartition des richesses et sur la tendance à une moindre inégalité des conditions.
The 1% and the Rest of Us : a political economy of dominant ownership /
Estilos de desarrollo y buen vivir.
HB251 .C687 2015 Principes de la théorie des richesses 1
HB251 .G46 2018 Generation wealth / 1
HB251 .H83 1994 A Philosophy for a Fair Society. 1
HB251 .H85 2014 The Voice of the Rising Generation : Family Wealth and Wisdom. 1
HB251 .L44 2014eb Evolving roles of sovereign wealth managers after the financial crisis : past, present and future / 1
HB251 .L688 2012eb How to double your wealth every 10 years (without really trying) / 1
HB251 .S285 1995eb HB71.S777 1995eb HB71 .S777 1995eb Altruism and Beyond : an Economic Analysis of Transfers and Exchanges within Families and Groups. 1
HB401 M2 2001eb Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent. 1
HB501 Marx's 'Capital' : Philosophy and Political Economy.
Capitalism in business, politics and society /
Free-Market Innovation Machine : Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism.
A civil economy : transforming the market in the twenty-first century /
Moderation and revolution /
Worlds of Capitalism : Institutions, Economic Performance and Governance in the Era.
Capitalism in the 21st century : through the prism of value /
The metaphysics of capitalism /
A new social question : capitalism, socialism and utopia /
Capitalist Globalization : Consequences, Resistance, and Alternatives.
Reinventing capitalism in New Zealand : history, structure, practice and social class /
Italian critics of capitalism /
The implosion of capitalism /
Time, capitalism and alienation : a socio-historical inquiry into the making of modern time /
A companion to Marx's Capital /
Le dimensioni del capitale sociale.
The Age of Unproductive Capital : New Architectures of Power.
The logic of discipline : global capitalism and the architecture of government /
The road from ruin : a new capitalism for a big society /
The dark side of marketing communications critical marketing perspectives /
The Capitalist Commodification of Animals.
Reading Capitalist Realism.
How Karl Marx can save American capitalism /
Capitalism and Its Economics : a Critical History.
Capitalism and Its Alternatives : a Critical Introduction.
Social reproduction theory and the socialist horizon : work, power and political strategy /
Le capital au XXIe siecle de Thomas Piketty : mieux comprendre les inégalités contemporaines /
Global capitalist crisis and the second great Depression : egalitarian systemic models for change /
Milton Friedman on freedom : selections from the collected works of Milton Friedman /
Western capitalism in transition : global processes, local challenges /
Confronting capitalism : real solutions for a troubled economic system /
Life in the market ecosystem /
Wealth & justice : the morality of democratic capitalism /
Money, interest, and the structure of production : resolving some puzzles in the theory of capital /
Toward a post-market society /
Flawed capitalism : the Anglo-American condition and its resolution /
The capitalist schema : time, money, and the culture of abstraction /
The spirit of Chinese capitalism /
Pandemonium : proliferating borders of capital and the pandemic swerve /
Creative capitalism, multitudinous creativity : radicalities and alterities /
Anticapitalismo y sociabilidades emergentes : experiencias y horizontes en Latinoamérica y el Caribe /
Marknadens tid : mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism /
¿Qué vendrá después del capitalismo? /
The unity of the capitalist economy and state : a systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system /
Communication and capitalism : a critical theory /
Kapitalismus und Naturzerstörung : Zur kritischen Theorie des gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnisses.
Politischer Diskurs und Hegemonie : Das Projekt "Soziale Marktwirtschaft" /
The Capitalist Economy and its Prosthetics : Necessity, Evolution and Dilemmas of a Brotherhood /
Crisis capitalista mundial en tiempos de pandemia /
Einverleiben und Externalisieren Zur Innen-Außen-Beziehung der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise.
Razones para ser anticapitalistas /
The great awakening new modes of life amidst capitalist ruins.